Post-doctoral Fellow // Assegnistà di Ricerca
IMATI-CNR*, Milan Italy

Latest academic position (2020-2022):
Postdoctoral Fellow at IMATI*- CNR**
- team member of the Project
“Co-orbital motion and three-body regimes in the solar system”
*Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
**Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Before (2016-2018):
Postdoctoral Fellow at
Dip. di Matematica dell'Università di Padova and
Dip. di Matematica dell'Università di Napoli “Federico II”
- team member of the ERC Project
“Stable & Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem”
Long Before (2012-2016):
Ph.D. Student at IMCCE* - Observatoire de Paris
Teaching assistant at Observatoire de Paris - PSL University**
*Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calculs des Éphémérides
** Université Paris Sciences & Lettres
A Long Time Ago (≤2012):​
Student in Astronomy at Observatoire de Paris
Internships at GeoAzur - Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Student in Mathematics at Université de Tours
High school student at Lycée “Augustin Thierry” de Blois
• Astronomy • Celestial Mechanics •
• Dynamical Systems • Mathematical Physics •
Alexandre POUSSE
Ph.D. in Astronomy
(spec. Celestial Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Dynamical systems)
Teacher in the French education system
(Mathematics & Sciences)
> present
Current Status: (≥2022)
Teacher at Lycée Stendhal Milano which is part of the AEFE* network​​
- Soutien scolaire/Ripetizioni de Mathématiques et Sciences
de la primaire à l'université,
en français o in italiano.
Me contacter via Mail
*Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger
Some Publications
“Revisiting the Averaged Problem in the case of mean-motion resonances of the restricted three-body problem. Global rigorous treatment and application to the co-orbital motion”
A. Pousse, E. M. Alessi,
NonLinear Dyn., 108: 959–985 (2022).
“On the co-orbital motion in three-body problem: the existence of quasi-periodic horseshoe-shaped orbits”
L. Niederman, A. Pousse, P. Robutel,
Commun. Math. Phys., 377: 551-612 (2020).
“On the co-orbital motion in the planar restricted three-body problem: the quasi-satellite motion revisited”
A. Pousse, P. Robutel, A. Vienne,
Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 128 (4): 383-407 (2017).
“On the co-orbital motion of two planets in quasi-circular orbits”
P. Robutel, A. Pousse,
Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 117 (1): 17-40 (2013).
[Latest Publication]
“On the role of the fast oscillations in the secular dynamics
of the lunar coplanar perturbation on Galileo satellites”
E. M. Alessi, I. Baldomá, M. Giralt, M. Guardia, A. Pousse,
Communications in Nonlinear Science
and Numerical Simulation,Volume 142 (2025).
[Latest Preprint]
[Latest Proceeding]
“An Arnold diffusion mechanism for the Galileo satellites”
A. Pousse, M. Giralt, I. Baldomá, M. Guardia, E. M. Alessi,
KePassa Congress, Logrono University, Spain (2022)
Proceeding available here
[Latest Popular Science Article]
“Janus et Épiméthée : un ballet perpétuel autour de Saturne ?
De l'observation astronomique à la théorie KAM”
A. Pousse, L. Niederman & P. Robutel,
Images des Mathématiques - CNRS (2018)
[Ph.D Thesis]
​“Les quasi-satellites et autres configurations remarquables en résonance co-orbitale”
École doctorale Astronomie & Astrophysique d’Île-de-France,
Observatoire de Paris - PSL Research University (2016).